Case Study: Networking
Going High-Availability for Internet Banking
“The TeleSource solution saved me well over a month of my time, helped us achieve our deadlines and project goals of being live with BGP via our own ASN on day one,” – IT Director
Financial company engaged primarily in retail banking, mortgage banking, business finance and providing ATM and merchant processing services became one of the pioneers of the Internet banking industry as one of the first internet-only banks.
To deliver on the promises of true, secure and resilient 24x7x365 Internet banking, this financial institution client decided to implement a ‘High-Availability’ IT infrastructure including multiple Internet Service Providers (ISP) using Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) via their own Autonomous System Network (ASN) within a very short deployment time frame.
The IT Director had serious concerns about meeting the deployment deadlines including integrating Cisco hardware and Internet connectivity across multiple national providers. After executive and technical reviews of our recommendations, the client selected TeleSource to implement the multiple Internet Service Provider (ISP) solution including Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) from each provider and complete their application process with ARIN for their Autonomous System Number (ASN).
TeleSource developed and managed the RFP process including multiple, national Tier-1 carriers including validating delivery of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) from each provider and completed their application process with ARIN for their Autonomous System Number (ASN) within 90 days (being the established deadline).
- RFP Management
- Complex Service Delivery and Provisioning including both ‘last-mile’ and ‘POP’ diversity
- Internet Migration: Multiple DNS registries and ‘A’ record changes
- Implementation
- Support
- Billing
- Level 2 & 3 Helpdesk
“The TeleSource solution saved me well over a month of my time, helped us achieve our deadlines and project goals of being live with BGP via our own ASN on day one,” said the IT Director.”
“The new solution has already made major positive impacts to our customers as we see various connections drop for various reasons, but we don’t drop when that happens and customers never know the difference.”
Learn more about the impact TeleSource can have on your business, schedule a consultation today.