Our heart felt condolences go out to the families of the souls lost last night in Washington, DC., Civilian and Military, The tributes, are heart felt.
My mom ice skated for years, bringing me to the rink while she practiced, often with my sister.
Watching figure skating on TV growing up, amateur, professional and Olympic, men and women, flying like birds in the air, individually, synchronized, remains dramatic, leaving forever lasting impressions.
Our heart felt condolences go out to the families of the souls lost last night in Washington, DC., Civilian and Military, The tributes, are heart felt.
My mom ice skated for years, bringing me to the rink while she practiced, often with my sister.
Watching figure skating on TV growing up, amateur, professional and Olympic, men and women, flying like birds in the air, individually, synchronized, remains dramatic, leaving forever lasting impressions.
TeleSource Communications Inc. US Figure Skating Championshp U.S. Figure Skating UNITED STATES FIGURE SKATING ASSOCIATION